Chapterhouse Podcast

Our vocation is to teach people how to teach themselves the word of God using what is right in front of their nose. We’re not here to tell you what scripture means, we are here to show you what it says. For more information go to or

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Saturday Jul 13, 2019

One of the goals we have at Chapterhouse is to educate our viewers on how to break down biblical information and separate religion and tradition from revelation. Paul’s Thorn is just one of the fables that put God in a bad light and only helps to diminish and minimize our faith. I may be doing Christian Mythology as a series or off and on as we travel.

Saturday Jul 13, 2019

Why do bad things happen to good people? This is an ongoing question for many Christians and unbelievers as well. A satisfying answer to the question is as elusive as Sasquatch or Roswell Greys.  So...we need to start someplace with this subject – hopefully, we can start here at the tip of the iceberg.

Monday Jul 08, 2019

This is the last installment of our 4 part series. Level three after the Language of God is to understand Authority Transferred to Man. We must learn to take the God-given authority to rule and reign on this earth through Jesus Christ. And how the process of free-will and dominion limits the sovereignty of God on earth.

V1/C9 - The Language of God

Monday Jul 08, 2019

Monday Jul 08, 2019

This is part three of our 4 part series. Level two after Kingdom Habitation is to understand the Language of God. We must learn to speak God’s language to convey the true nature of the Kingdom. The Words of God can move heaven and earth. Life and death are in the power of the tongue.

V1/C8 - Kingdom Habitation

Sunday Jul 07, 2019

Sunday Jul 07, 2019

While the gospel is preached as a salvation message and rightly so, what are we being saved into? This is part two of a 4 part series. We’ll be looking into Kingdom Habitation. Where is our new home that the gospel has provided for us? Is it a place or a space?

V1/C7 - One Gospel

Saturday Jul 06, 2019

Saturday Jul 06, 2019

The word Gospel has many skins. It’s used predominantly to express the four canonical books in the New Testament written by the Apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Acts being an accurate representation of the life and ministry of Jesus. While true enough, we can see a different picture emerge when we ask when the gospel was first preached, by whom and to whom.

V1/C6 - The Mind of Religion

Saturday Jul 06, 2019

Saturday Jul 06, 2019

Religion will only conform to a God who is logical, reasonable and palatable. It has no validation in of itself. The supernatural validates the spiritual and the spiritual validates the religion. It feeds on complexity and on conforming God into man’s image.  Powerless religion is easy to reject and for all intent, the rejection is justified.

Saturday Jul 06, 2019

While the Christian religion is highly popular in America there is a knowledge gap between Americas stated faith and basic knowledge about that faith. Do we have a religion or a relation with God? Why do the laws of God become critical in our Christian growth? Are we to be actual examples of Gods manifest power on earth? Is it form or function that saves us?

Friday Jul 05, 2019

Not many Christians have heard of this law. The term comes from James 2:8. Now many are willing to pay homage to the fact that we have to love one another but do we know how to apply it. Or better yet do we know when we are dropping the ball. Do we know when we’re actually being contrary to the Commandment in John 13:34 given to us from our exemplar Jesus Christ? Or do we think of it as "the great option"?

Friday Jul 05, 2019

There are many of us who are stuck on the issue of whether Jesus was a man or God during His time on earth. How we handle this question reflects on who we are. If Jesus was God on earth then we would look at our own walk much different than if we believe He was a man. The answer to this question could put our idea of God’s expectations of us in a completely different light.  Let’s put away our bias and look at what is right in front of our nose.

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